Welcome to Bean Freight!

Reward Calculator for Bean Freight

First time? Check out the Instructions tab!

Containers allowed! Please list "CONTAINER" in the contract description. This complicates the way we handle things, but as long as it is known in advance, it is easier to plan around. We get kind of sour if we find out after we accept it. IF YOU USE A CONTAINER, YOU MUST USE THE ADDITIONAL COLLATERAL AND VOLUME FIELDS.
PHIL affiliated? Priority inquiries handled via Discord DM's!
Droneland Industry Park Systems: MJ-5F9, 7M4-4C, R1O-GN, JZ-UQC, BEG-RL, XU7-CH, AY9X-Q, 9WVY-F, U-W436, Z-ENUD, RQOO-U, I2D3-5, GQ-7SP, BGMZ-0, M5NO-B, B3ZU-H, DYS-CG, TDP-T3, JPEZ-R, G-W1ND

Please write "RUSH" in the contract description and ping in the BF Discord server.

Name#VolTot VolIskTot Isk
